Change your tax advisor and save yourself time, money and the stress.

First class accountants and tax advisors for your Cyprus Limited (Ltd)

Unsatisfied managing directors of a Cyprus Limited get the service and reliability they want from us – at a fair price in an all-inclusive package and without the stress of switching.


Years of experience


Satisfied business customers


Team members


Years of experience


Team members


Satisfied business customers

Why are there so many entrepreneurs in Cyprus
dissatisfied with your tax advisor?

We have often asked our customers this question –
and learned a lot from their answers.

Do you also encounter such problems?

We have often asked our customers this question –
and learned a lot from their answers.

Do you also encounter such problems?

Errors occurred during document processing.

Our promise:

Our claim is the highest quality. This applies above all to the error-free processing of your receipts and your tax payments.

Bills are higher than discussed.

Our promise:

Right from the start, you can see transparently what you are paying for and how much. We always work with a fair package model.

There is no advice on deductibility.

Our promise:

We work for you, not against you. For this reason we are happy to advise you on how you can save the most taxes.

Deadlines are not met.

Our promise:

Regardless of whether the deadlines are legal or bilateral: You can rely on us to meet deadlines. 

E-mails are only partially answered.

Our promise:

We take time for your emails so that you only have to send us questions, requests and orders once.

The availability of your contact persons is poor.

Our promise:

Our 20-strong team is there for you from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and often answers inquiries on the same day.

We know you don’t know all of the rules and deadlines in Cyprus. And you don’t have to.

We take care of your Limited and compliance with all the requirements,
so that you can take full care of your customers!

Save your nerves – and switch to our reliable team of consultants!

free of charge and without obligation

Our „all inclusive“-service

You only pay 4 installments per year and receive all of the following services as a complete package.


You submit the receipts every month, we take care of the rest.

VIES statement

We prepare and submit the necessary documents every month.

Annual financial statements

We prepare the balance sheet according to international standards.


We advise you on all your questions and support you with all payments.

Income tax

We prepare the company's income tax return.

Corporate tax

We prepare preliminary declarations and arrange for the tax to be paid.

value added tax

We prepare the sales tax return every quarter.


You will receive it within 2 working days
a non-binding comparison offer!

free of charge and without obligation

This is how a change works

Changing the tax advisor for your Cyprus Limited is easier than you think!

You do not have to worry about anything, as we do it directly after you have placed your order
communicating with your current tax advisor.

Obtain a settlement offer

You will receive an individual offer within 48 hours. Here you can find out the specific costs for our all-inclusive package.

Personal meeting

Personal contact is important to us. Whether in our office or via zoom call - we get to know each other and answer your questions.

Change of tax advisor

We will forward your change request directly to your tax advisor. As soon as he has sent all the documents to us, we will take care of them.

Most of our customers save time, nerves and money every year by switching their accountant.

We're not saying we are
the best tax advisors in Cyprus…

…… however our customers are: 

Since we switched, I’ve finally got detailed replies to my emails – within 48 hours at the latest.

J. Ditmann
LX Management Ltd.

I am glad I switched. The service is much better AND even significantly cheaper. I finally have the feeling that everything has been thought of.

Jessica Smith
Smith Holding

Meinhard Bundschuh discovered a mistake that my old tax advisor made for 3 years. That could have been really expensive. Thanks very much!

Steve Rogers
STR Media Ltd.

About us

You may be wondering:
Why are we better than the competition?
And why should you trust us?

The answer is simple – and divided into two parts:

We have excellent team

We combine competent German consultants and Cypriot experts to form a powerful, effective and multicultural team.

Reliability, quality and availability are our top priorities.

We know what managing directors need

You want the security that all taxes will be paid on time and that all legal requirements will be complied with.

We take care of your Cyprus Limited as if it were ours!

But one thing is certain: We can write a lot on this website! You will only find out whether our service really adds value for you if you test it.

Request a comparison offer today or feel free to contact us.

We only need 2 documents for the comparison offer:

1.     Your last review

2.    Invoices for the relevant year from your current tax advisor

Based on these documents, we can estimate the scope of work
and send you the counter offer quickly.

Simply send us the documents by email to:

Data protection notice: Of course we treat your data confidentially,
never pass them on and delete them again if no business relationship is established.